Drawings of bone and shell came after an afternoon on the beach. the storms and rains of the last day have left everywhere looking washed out and stranded. I used charcoal because this is the only medium I feel happy drawing with. Shapes and shadows were important and colour secondarily.It was only as I gazed at the bleached out fragments that I saw a wealth of blues, mauves and ochres within the fragments.
I tried playing with my new computer photoshop facility and liked the blue shadowy image created.
As I continued to draw I went back to my Henry Moore sources and sketched some shapes from some of his works. The shape and holes in the bone fragments especially seemed to connect with these.
Finally photos I remembered taking three years ago in Connemara seemed worth looking up. One a piece of driftwood stuck up in the sand like an ancient beast and the other shell shapes whose colours I love, and marks left in the sand like shadows of seaweeds.
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