Tuesday, 7 September 2010

Bibliography for applique and manipulated fabrics

Frank Whitford - Bauhaus isbn 9780 500 20192 0 Thames and Hudson 1984
A concise history of the role and development of the Bauhaus which helped explain a few things to me about the development of design and art and certainly helped make sense of the role Itten has played . Also I was very interested in the fact that so many women had chosen weaving as their medium of expression and art

Johannes Itten Design and Form Thames and Hudson 1975 translation
I loved this book and found it more accessible that his colour theory work.

Michael Perrin - The magnificent molas - the art of the Kuna Indians Flammarion
Such a rich anthology of text and picture that I made the mistake of reading it late at night and then dreamt in technicolour !! Wonderful resource book

Connecting art to stitch Sandra Meech -Batsford 2009 isbn 978 1 9063 8810 2
Wish I had known of this book at the start. Have read it cover to cover and am now going back to work with it in a slower more considered fashion. Very helpful about drawing / recording ideas

Amish The art of the quilt Robert Hughes Pharidon Press 1994 isbn 07143 3136 0
Again can't put this down - the strength of colour and shape is mesmerising.

Textile Arts Margo Singer and Mary Spyrou A&C Black London 2003 isbn 0 7136 5716 Interesting treatment of techniques linked to cultural tradition - never thought of flounces as a fabric technique before !!

The Surface Designers Art Lark Books 1993 isbn 0 937274 67 4
Great book - illustrations inspirational and being linked to biographies of the artists was both interesting and illuminative.

The Art and craft of applique Juliet Bawden Mitchell Beazley 1991 isbn 73 855533 9217
Good job I managed to find this book before I started trying applique as I have always had a jaundiced view of the technique and this helped broaden my perspectives !!

The art of manipulating fabric Colette Wolff Krause publications 1996 isbn 0 8019 8496 3
Amazing wealth of knowledge and explanations about manipulating fabric in so many ways.

Henry Moore Textiles edt Anita Feldman Lund Humphries 2008 isbn 978 1 84822 052 2
A friend had caught the exhibition of Moore's textiles at Norwich over the summer and come back so enthused about it. I sent for the book - never even knowing he had produced textiles. I wish I had seen the book during the printing module - but next time around !! A wonderful book and it has helped me draw again.

International Textile Design Mary Schoesser Laurence King 1995 isbn 1 85660 072 5
Inspirational illustrations.

By hand - the use of cloth in contemporary art Shu Hung and Joseph Magliaro edts 2007 Princeton Architectural Press isbn 978 1 566896 942 6
A biography of artists using textiles in art installations - just wonderful to help broaden perspective and help me see and think outside my usual boxes !

The sign of the tree meditations in images and words Meinrad Craighead Mitchell Beazley 1979 isbn 0 86134 013 2
I have had this book on my shelf for years and turned to it when the sketch of the ask -key seed pod came to me and began to develop. I was delighted by the movement the artist captures in her work.

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